
Critical Certifications for Your Cybersecurity Career – A Guide bestpractices career ccl chronicle sydneywilliams Apr 11, 2024

Cybersecurity certifications are more than just badges, they are a display of expertise and commitment to development. Certifications serve to advance cybersecurity careers through structured frameworks for acquiring specialized information and skills. They are the catalysts for continuous...

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Corporate Governance: Communicating Cybersecurity to the Board career chronicle classllc cybersecurity karatwombly keyaanwilliams newsletter omarsickander the board zariahwilliams Jul 06, 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, effective communication with boards of directors has emerged as a critical concern for organizations worldwide. As cyber threats grow in complexity and severity, the lack of communication between cybersecurity...

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You Could Be the Hero the World Is Looking For... career classllc cybersecurity omarsickander professionaldevelopment zariahwilliams May 17, 2023

By: Zariah Williams & Omar Sickander

You’ve heard of megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB), but have you ever heard of zettabytes? A singular zettabyte (ZB) is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1021) bytes. In 2018 it was estimated that the entire world’s data was...

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The Chronicle, Events and Updates from CLASS-LLC - November 2022 career chronicle classllc cybersecurity newsletter Nov 16, 2022

      Cybersecurity Awareness month has ended, but the importance of cybersecurity-minded organizations and training should not be forgotten. It may not be easy to implement all the innovative ideas and programs showcased by organizations worldwide last month, but it is...

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Ask Me Anything: Do you need a degree to start a cybersecurity career career classllc cyber career lab cybersecurity keyaanwilliams Nov 01, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams


Once upon a time, Omar Sickander and I created the Cyber Career Lab (TM) to provide an alternative to expensive certifications and higher education that still helped people grow in their cybersecurity careers. “Ask me Anything” is an...

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Best of Ask Me Anything - Direction for Those New to Cyber career ccl classllc cyber career lab keyaanwilliams Jan 11, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams

I kicked off Ask Me Anything in January 2022 as part of my efforts to rethink how I contribute to the success of others (thanks again to Adam Grant and his book, "Think Again”). I recognize that anything worth doing requires time and...

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Your Cybersecurity Career: Keys to writing a better resume career classllc keyaanwilliams professionaldevelopment resume Dec 06, 2021

I am not an expert, per se, but I am married to a wonderful woman with a degree in Human Resource Management (HRM). In addition to the joys of marriage, I also have access to all her textbooks! I also have a few decades of experience in the profession. This allows me to comment on what makes...

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