
Your Cybersecurity Career: Keys to writing a better resume career classllc keyaanwilliams professionaldevelopment resume Dec 06, 2021

I am not an expert, per se, but I am married to a wonderful woman with a degree in Human Resource Management (HRM). In addition to the joys of marriage, I also have access to all her textbooks! I also have a few decades of experience in the profession. This allows me to comment on what makes...

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Internet of Things (IoT) and Security - Securing IoT devices and data classllc cybersecurity data privacy elizabethpeters iot Nov 16, 2021

 By: Elizabeth Peters

You have heard the term Internet of things (IoT) before, but what does it mean for you and your security? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Auto Labs was the first to implement the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the early 1990s. Additionally, the...

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Top of Mind classllc csam cybersecurity new Oct 27, 2021

Cybersecurity is the protection against unauthorized access, use, or damage to computer information systems and electronic data. There are various aspects of cybersecurity; it can involve action by individuals or groups, such as cyberterrorism and cybercrime. It can also be a state response to...

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Phishing and Spear Phishing. What should you do? classllc csam cybersecurity new Oct 13, 2021

The word phishing has been featured in the news a lot lately, but what does it mean?

What is phishing?

Phishing is a type of cyber-attack that aims to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity in electronic...

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Be Cyber Smart classllc csam cybersecurity Oct 06, 2021

At a time where we have all been kept indoors and have had both our work and personal lives pushed together it is time to stay “Cyber Smart”. We have seen cybercrime as a whole increase by 600% since the beginning of the global pandemic. The shift from workplace to work-from-home has...

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Get Familiar with the Cyber Basics classllc csam cybersecurity ncsa new Oct 04, 2021

(From National Cybersecurity Alliance)

At a time when we are more connected than ever, being “cyber smart” is of the utmost importance. This year has already seen more than a fair share of attacks and breaches, including the SolarWinds and Kaseya breaches as well as high-profile...

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Exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab ccl classllc collaboration cyber career lab new update Aug 05, 2021

We have some exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab this month. The Cyber Career Lab was created for people who cannot afford thousands of dollars for degree programs or certification training. After running 9 episodes of our first season we have learned a lot and have decided to make...

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CMMC Promotes Maturity to Improve Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain classllc cmmc cybersecurity nist ronross sap Mar 02, 2020

The upcoming SAP Aerospace & Defense Innovation Days provide a great opportunity to connect with the world’s leading A&D manufacturers. I am honored and excited to take the stage next Wednesday with my dear friend Anne Marie Columbo to help participants understand the...

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